City’s holiday party bashed – the Acorn Newspaper: https://www.theacorn.com/articles/citys-holiday-party-bashed/
Would the real David Shapiro please stand up?
Calabasas voters go to the polls on November 8, 2022 — to elect among other things, three Councilmembers. David Shapiro, who is running for re-election, appears to have bewitched or shall we say, hoodwinked the sense and integrity out of people who know better. Or perhaps they just think because they say so, others might follow along. No one who has followed politics in this city can even pretend (unless personal gain is a factor?) otherwise. And, residents who have not been particularly active should not take anyone’s word for it, or take anything for granted. Get the facts, look at Shapiro’s history, and make an informed decision.
His track record is dismal. That is a fact. He has opposed the residents and he has voted continuously to support inappropriate development. He has been stuck like glue to the pro-development attorney former Councilmember Fred Gaines for years and together they formed a voting block duo (that is a fact) wreaking seemingly irreparable damage to the residents of this city. Preserve Calabasas will pull up the voting records, the measure(s), and the facts, and outline them here.
There is also no place for cronyism in this election.
Lest we forget:
Let’s start off with this report from the Acorn newspaper April 1, 2021 https://www.theacorn.com/articles/rubin-calabasas-settle/
As excerpted: “Lysik was not the only one held responsible for mismanagement. Shapiro was also named in the Rubin complaint for abuse of power.
City records show Shapiro, then the mayor, authorized the spending of more than $35,000 on the city’s 2019 Dodger’s Night event, more than twice the amount budgeted. He was alleged to have chosen a more expensive Friday night game as a gift to Calabasas residents so his daughter, an accomplished saxophonist, could play the national anthem in front of a larger crowd.”